Friday, February 18, 2011

No Court Date Yet

"Trials make the promise sweet; Trials give new life to prayer; Trials bring me to His feet, Lay me low, and keep me there."
This will be 2 days blogging. Yesterday, we met with the psychologist again, and she had us make "perfect kids" out of play dough. I did Kristina and Igor and Steve did Denys. When we were finished, she told us their story. Not nearly as bad as alot I have heard, but still dysfunctional. Parents started drinking after kids, and then split. They split up the kids too. Dad got the older ones, and mom got Denys. By the grace of God, intervention came, and the three were reunited, and brought here to the Ark. The grace and favor of the Lord on their life is beautiful. Fast forward to today. Drive into Kiev and hit the Austrian Embassy. Got the paper clearance we needed and courriered it to Interpol. Got the name of our judge, and only by praying for God to open all the doors, will we get a date of Tuesday. Not sure if I should fly home and wait, or postpone for now. Really need the date... On a happy note, I went with Debby to the girls house and snuggled with Kristina. The boys were there too. They went home after a bit, and the girls huddled together for a devotion and a great time of prayer. Awesome hearing the girls cry out to the Lord. Most of their prayers were for us and our adoption documents. Unbelievable that in the midst of what they are feeling, they lifted our family up.
They also prayed heavily for their own mothers to get clean and come get them so they can be a family again. Wow. Wow. Wow. We are invited to dinner at a neighbors tomorrow night. They have 2 boys and have adopted a girl, and now hopefully are coming back here for a beautiful little girl we just adore. So the girl they have now.. was literally treated like a dog, fed under the table milk, and at about 8 years old had no vocabulary. She looked like an Ethiopian child. Unbelievable. Praise God she is in this wonderful home now. Cant wait to meet her. I'll let you all now how it goes. Good nite.

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