Saturday, March 5, 2011

Torn Between 2 Worlds

3/5/11 (SS) Well we're back in the states after a long hop, skip,and a leap over the pond. Strange... these times we live in, you can be in Ukraine, a world away at 9:00am in snow and cold, then get on a plane and by midnight your'e in another part of the world. Almost surreal. Anyway, we are home, and its nice to be back. Caroline and I are so, so thankful for all who helped take care of our three while we were away. You all put in some much of your time and hearts to help. Our three had such a hoilday, I feel they almost were dissapointed that we were home. I believe they sensed that school would be starting again. Many thank you's go out to all of you for your prayers, time and the love you shared. I must say that my heart was touched when we got home early Monday morning (1:00). The house was just he way Caroline loved to walk into it after a time away. Hats off to Angela, Rori and Lisa, well done.

So onto the news. Ukraine gov. appears to be trying to correct it's misguided ways, but we had figured our dates based on an earlier protocol. It seems that they have advanced to a computer system, choosing the Judge and court dates. We estimated that our court date would be end of Feb, but the Judge had informed us that she would not hear this case till end of March ( 29th ). That of course has changed our plan. Up until this little glitch, the process was moving uninterupted. Caroline and I were not going to stay another month waiting and she was home sick for our three in Florida. So, we made the decision to come back and work for the month, then return for the court date.
After the court date the children would be ours. There is a 10 day waiting time for the paper work to be processed. Caroline will come home directly after the court date, I will stay another 3 weeks to finish all the other doc's that have to be obtained.
That takes us to this: We need your help once more to raise 4200.00 for all the airfare tickets that will have to be changed. We both have missed alot of work time and are presently hussling to generate some cash flow to store away for the time I will be gone again. Please help us out by donating on the Help page on our blog site via Paypal, or give directly. Any and all help is appreciated and needed.
I get up around ­5-6 am to spend time with Pax (our dog) out in the front yard playing catch with her ball. This morning while out front, as the clouds were rolling away and the sun was peeking thru, I was brushed with the Spirit as I saw our new three home in this house. They had woken up early to be with their Poppy with hugs and appreciation for rescuing them and now starting to restore their hearts back to the Father. Such a joy rushed thru my soul.What a fine day it will be when they come home. . . Thank you my Lord, for your word and your promises are true. For His glory.

1 comment:

  1. My friend Hank Stroup in NC told me about your adoption. You setup a wonderful website here. I didn't see an active link for paypal, so I'll send a $100 check to the Sunergos Mission address you provided. I hope all goes well. Mike Weiner
