Monday, September 20, 2010

Steps in our journey

I begin my day, taking my boys to their first practice baseball game. I had taken along with me one the several books that we have been encouraged to review during the home study phase of this journey. As I open the book (fields of the fatherless by Tom Davis) and began to read the very first sentence along with the following page, he writes the identical thought we had when we first received this feeling in our hearts. I immediately felt a connection with this author. Tom Davis is a wonderful example of what God’s heart looks like. One who said yes, even when the world, and the Christian community, had reservations and excuses. A great read, backed up by the Word.

I often think about the day when we arrive at the Ark to finalize the paper work for the children. I review in my mind the first time they see us in their community, how it will look and feel. I consider the time we spend together at their home, the times of laughter, joy and the love we will experience. In the very depth that it moves my heart; I can’t help to see this thru the children who will witness this love connection, and how they will feel, knowing they still will be waiting for a family, even now, my heart aches for them. My desire is that it will give them great hope that someone is coming for them as well.
I see a great celebration when we return to our and their new home. I see the entire church body coming together to receive their new brothers and sister, an immediate fusion of spirit. I see the home schooling community welcoming these three with open arms and acceptance as their own, like they have been with us for years.
Kristina, Igor and Denys will have a river of emotions run thru them upon their first few months but I believe that some time later, when they realize how much God loves them and from where He has delivered them. They are being launched from despair and hopelessness, to Gods glory and goodness, His love, tenfold over their lives. At times it may feel like a dream, I mean, can any of us really fully understand the fullness of His glory, and what he wants to give to those who will say yes. Steve (SS)
Our father puts the poor, widow and orphans in our lives so we will reveal compassion, it’s a test for us and a promise to them. ( Tom Davis )
Stepping out into this heart of adoption opens up a new way of thinking, what it means to love, to accept and to parent. Our life as we know it is going to change. It’s going to be harder in the sense of a complete dying of ourselves for these six. I know that God will not give us anything we and He knows we can not handle. So if this for us, then I know He is along side of us too.
Father, allow us to be the vessel that the spirit can work thru and bless these children to a new life in you.
For His glory and for the kingdom . . . .

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